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The Rockcastle Karst Conservancy's Great Saltpetre Preserve is the home of a historic limestone cave once mined for saltpeter. Except for our annual Open House Weekend, the cave is now closed to the general public and managed for historical purposes. The remainder of the grounds consist of a natural preserve consisting mostly of pasture and woodlands in an attempt to preserve a part of Kentucky's natural beauty for generations to come. Visits for educational purposes can be arranged with appropriate planning, as noted below.

If you will be visiting GSP, you must have a waiver on file. Please also review and follow the visitation rules, including the rules for visiting the cave. For these items and other information about the preserve, please follow the links above or below.

Visit the Preserve

Once you have read the rules, you may decide to plan an appropriate educational visit to the Great Saltpetre Preserve. If so, please be sure that you have completed the waiver form.

Printable driving directions can be found here.

Are you a Scout or Youth Group wanting to visit the Preserve? Download the Flyer
Please see the Youth Group Visitation page.

Are you a Teacher or Home-schooled group wanting to arrange a class outing to the Preserve?
Please see the School Class Outing page.

Are you a member of a sponsoring grotto (GCG, BGG, DUG, COG) wanting to bring a group to the Preserve? Please see the Group Sponsorship page.


Rules & FAQs

Information regarding the rules and regulations of the preserve and its cave are available online.

Also see the FAQ page for answers to our most frequently asked questions.


Much has been written about the Great Saltpetre Preserve and its expansive history.

GSP is listed on the National Register of Historic Places:
Click here to see the NRHP
2013 Approval Form

If the above sections do not provide the answers you need,
and after checking the FAQs, please Contact Us.

Web Site Updates By Gary Bush -