Sponsorship Request Form
* Denotes Required Fields
Sponsor Name: *
Sponsor's Grotto *
Sponsor Email: *
Group Name: *
Group Mailing Address: *
, *
Dates of Visit: *
# Adults *
# Children *
I Request:
Key to Great Saltpeter Cave
Electric Campsites
Use of Kitchen
Extra Port-a-Potties
Other Information
I would like to sponsor the above group for a visit to the Saltpeter Cave Preserve. I understand that as the Sponsor it is my duty to have all participants sign a waiver and to collect the signed waivers. If camping, I will collect all donations and make sure they are given to the GSP Treasurer.

I have been provided with a copy of the Preserve Rules and Cave Rules. I understand it is my duty to discuss these rules with my group. Any keys/lock combinations that are going to be needed during my stay must be obtained from a committee member before arriving at GSP and returned promptly.

***The GSP caretaker must not be disturbed unless an emergency arises***

Please Check:   I agree to the above information.*